Become a Better Leader in 30 Days!


An Easy, Step-by-Step Guide by Online Leadership Network

Have you read all the leadership advice and taken expensive workshops but still can't put it all into practice?

Are you worried your team won't respect you and take you seriously as their leader?
Are you not quite sure of the best ways to inspire and motivate your followers?
Are you tired of worrying that you may fail and let everyone down?
Do you find it hard to figure out the balance between being liked and maintaining authority?
Do you feel like others may not listen to you and trust you?
Do you have that one team member that makes your stomach twist and makes every conversation difficult?
Or, have you just been put in charge of others and now need to figure out how to succeed on your own?


You could influence your team to deeply respect you and enthusiastically follow your vision?
You could confidently lead your people to success and accomplish all those projects you want to accomplish?
You knew exactly how to motivate and inspire others and how to deal with those difficult team members?
You could change the world around you with your leadership skills alone?
You could get a promotion or a better job?
You had a resource that could teach you the practical leadership skills that you can actually use?

Stop Spinning Your Wheels

You can spend a lifetime trying to sift through all the posts, podcasts, courses and guides that exist online about how to be successful as a leader - or you can start taking action today.
The information in this book will teach you all the necessary skills you need in order to gain the trust and respect of your followers, accomplish tasks and projects, make good decisions, skillfully manage and empower your team, and set yourself up for success.
In his book How to Be a Leader, Greg builds a solid foundation for beginning leaders, while experienced leaders will find items that will enhance their leadership style. If you are just starting a leadership position or have led people for awhile, this book is for you.
Paul Verreau
I personally know of several good people from over the years who were promoted into leadership because they exceled at their work, only to struggle because they didn’t have the skills and experience as leaders. As the author points out, leadership is a learned skill. And so this book is a practical resource for anyone who is a new leader and/or is interested in exploring leadership – a starting point, to delve into the important skills needed for leading. And if you are already a leader and just need a good review, this is for you too.

I especially appreciate that the book promotes leadership as a skill to be practiced; so read the book, and flex your leadership muscles!
Mary-Ann Clarkes


Strong Foundations
You are going to learn the best way of becoming a leader from the ground up, and being someone others trust and want to follow.
Personal Presentation
You are going to learn how to build your personal image, skills, positive attitude and an empowering mindset that is contagious to those around you.
Decision Making
You are going to learn a simple, practical decision making model that you can use right away to solve problems effectively and make confident decisions.
Giving Feedback
You are going to learn 6 steps of using feedback correctly to inspire a real change in a person's behavior.
Using Resources
You are going to learn the 3 types of essential resources available to you as a leader and how to use them effectively to help you succeed and to make your and everyone's job easier.
Setting Rules and Expectations
You are going to learn how to correctly set rules and expectations for your people and how to hold everyone accountable to them without coming across as too strict or overbearing.
Motivating and Empowering
You are going to learn the proven methods of empowering your followers to help them unleash their potential and help them take their careers to the next level.
Earning Respect
You are going to learn the single most crucial mindset you must have to earn respect from your team, and how it to easily adopt it.
Avoiding Failure
You'll also learn which behaviors actually cause you to lose the respect of your team. Many leaders do them without realizing it, and sabotage their own success.
Skill Development
You'll learn what level of your profession-related skills you need to have in order to lead competently and what to do when you still don't have it.
Team Development
I am going to show you how to develop your people and how to help them overcome their mistakes and learn from mistakes, to improve each day.
You are going to learn how to easily organize yourself, your work and your environment to ensure that you always stay ahead, instead of constantly catching up.
You are going to learn the simple yet rarely taught steps which you can start doing right away to come across as confident and in charge. Confidence can be learned!
Conflict Resolution
You are going to learn the best way to resolve conflict with your staff. Conflict doesn't have to be scary, if you know how to resolve it.
I am going to show you the surprising importance of the values of your organization, what they are and how you can use them correctly to create a much stronger team.
Leader's Mindset
You are going to learn the secret of becoming humble as a leader - the fastest way to gain a true, genuine connection with your followers that inspires them to follow you and to trust you.
Inspiring Others
You are going to learn how to create an environment that makes everyone want to be part of your team and feel like they have a stake in it.
In other words, this is a complete training on how to be a leader and on how to start your leadership career with the right skills and attitude, while avoiding mistakes, frustrations and years of trial and error.

About the Author

I am Gregory Bobkiewicz and I have over 20 years of experience as a leadership coach and instructor in the military. I have taught countless students and helped them overcome their pains and frustrations to become strong, successful and effective leaders.
Now, I have taken my best techniques and put them in this ebook, to give you a practical guide you can use to become a strong leader yourself. And, if you follow the lessons and exercises closely, you can start seeing results in as little as 30 days!

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This ebook comes with my 100% money back guarantee! Purchase it now, take 30 days to read it, and if before the 30 days are over you don't believe that the book was worth many times the investment, just send us an email asking for a full refund. I'll refund your money, no questions asked.


Leadership training can be expensive and workshops can run into hundreds of dollars. One on one coaching, when available, usually costs two hundred dollars per hour, or more. But your investment in this ebook right now is only $24.95.
I simply believe that good leadership training should be available to all.
So, click on the button below that says "Get Your Copy Now!", complete the purchase form on the next page and you'll be learning how to be the leader you always wanted to be in just a few minutes.
I am A Child Youth Care Counselor and have had a 28 year career. Leadership is a topic I have taken seriously and try to teach those that I have been blessed to serve. This book is a new way to understated leadership and may even challenge some of your own ideas. This is a great break down with concrete examples and explanations.
Jack Johnson
This was a well-thought-out book. I enjoyed the bullet points at the end of each chapter making it easy to find any quick reference I need to look up. I like how it started with me and then went on into the real life situations of the workplace environment. I was also surprised at how well the military and the workplace were identical. It was an easy read I really enjoyed it.
Jeannette Langner
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