Influence Others Now!
Learn How to Influence Others Without Years of Training or Experience!

If you want to learn how to be taken seriously and gain respect as a leader, how to motivate and influence others, how to succeed in your projects, and how to be someone other want to follow, look no further! Our proven manual - How to Be a Leader - teaches new and aspiring leaders how to put leadership into practice and achieve real results.

We are John Maloney and Gregory Bobkiewicz and between us we have many years of leadership and coaching experience in the corporate and military worlds, respectively.

Throughout our journey, we realized how little guidance there is for new leaders - as well as those who want to be leaders - to help them in their struggles.

With the prospect of loosing your job if you fail, or loosing respect and not being taken seriously, there is a lot at stake. And yet, most leadership training offers a lot of theory, but little practice.

This book is designed to put leadership into practice!

Here is what you get:

PART 1 - Setting Up for Success

You can multiply your success as a leader if you have proper foundations. This is the part which most leadership training skips but which is absolutely essential to your success. How to set yourself up for success is the first thing we always teach the new leaders we coach. In this chapter we...

  • Teach how to present yourself to others and how to look the part of a leader.
  • Address the importance of behavior and correct body language.
  • Show you how to work on your habits, both the positive ones and the ones that stop you from being someone others want to follow.
  • Explain how to build confidence and avoid anxiety when leading others.

PART 2 - Becoming and Staying Organized

We strongly believe that a massive part of good leadership rests on your ability to be organized. By being organized you can triple your success rate as a leader, as well as actually influence and motivate others! In this chapter we...

  • Teach you how to take effective notes to double your productivity.
  • Show you how to set your priorities and how those priorities influence your team to be more positive and productive.
  • Explain how to make your job much easier by using calendars and databases.
  • Dive into time management and the benefit it has on your projects and everyone's ability to contribute.

PART 3 - Achieving Professional Competence

In this brief chapter we address the importance of continuous improvement as a leader. We firmly believe that no matter how good you get, you can always get better. In this chapter we...

  • Teach you how to gain respect and trust as a leader if you are leading people who are more experienced or knowledgeable than you.
  • Show you what you must do to complement your knowledge in your field to join the ranks of experts.
  • Explain what to do to continuously improve and get better and better.

PART 4 - Leadership in Action

This is where the training kicks into higher gear. In this chapter, we stop focusing on your preparation and improvement and show you how to lead others. Along with chapter 5, this chapter teaches you the practical skills of leadership that you can start using right away to achieve your goals and motivate and inspire others. In this chapter we...

  • Explain what makes a person a good leader and what are the key skills which form the "secret" to good leadership.
  • Show you what to do to balance your authority with good and friendly relationships with your team, so you can lead your team to success without being disliked.
  • Teach you how to set rules and expectations for your team and how to hold everyone accountable without being too strict.
  • Give you a simple decision-making model you can use to make confident decisions without worry of failure.
  • Reveal our #1 secret of good leadership that will be the most powerful reason for your success.

PART 5 - Dealing with Your Team

Leadership is about people, so this section is dedicated to teaching you how to successfully influence others. This is often viewed as one of the most difficult parts of being a leader, because people are not always intuitive to manage. Yet those very people are the reason you are a leader, so we give you some basic but powerful tools to start being comfortable in this area. In this chapter we...

  • Teach you how to motivate and inspire the people under your charge.
  • Show you how to create a happy, positive work environment.
  • Explain what your team needs from you and how to provide the tools that will help them develop, learn and excel.
  • Show you what kind of resources are at your disposal as a leader and how to manage them to empower your team to double their efforts.
  • Give you an easy to follow action model for dealing with dificult workers or having those dificult conversations that are at times necessary.
  • Teach you how to communicate with your team, so that they are eager to listen to you and follow your vision.
  • Explain how to give positive and negative feedback to motivate your individual team members and inspire them to improve.

PART 6 - Becoming Great

In this section we take a look at your future potential and motivate you to keep improving. In many ways, this chapters is a preview of the next chapter of your leadership career - becoming not just a good leader, but a great one. While that will be the subject of our other books and courses, in this chapter we...

  • Talk about leadership styles and help you chose the one that's best for you.
  • Touch on where to go to find great leaders to learn from and how to engage them to mentor or perhaps coach you.
  • Reveal the best mindset you can adopt to constantly become better and better at leading and inspiring others.

We are confident this book will serve you well in getting a great start and a solid foundation in your leadership career. With these skills, you can be sure you'll be on the right track to being a strong leader, without worrying about failing and letting everyone down, or loosing respect from the people on your team! You'll be able to create a happy, motivated and productive team. You'll be able to finish work projects and achieve your goals, or start and develop your own business.


To put it frankly - because most books about leadership deal mostly with theory. There are some excellent leadership books out there, but very few of them offer practical applications and how-to steps. What's more, many workshops, seminars and courses are unfortunately the same. They offer a wealth of knowledge, but don't focus on how to put this knowledge into actual leadership success. Such courses run in hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars. One-on-one coaching can be just as expensive.

And while both of us coach one-on-one and have ran courses before, this time we opted to put our knowledge in the form of a book. How to Be a Leader is a manual that will not only show you how to start your leadership career with the right skills, but will also serve as a reference guide in the future. If you forget any information, you can easily reference it in this manual and refresh your memory, as well as go through the practical exercises again. Each chapter and subsection stands on its own and is a self-contained unit that can be referenced by itself.

Because learning good leadership and putting it into practice is such a need, we are making How to Be a Leader available to all. Your investment in it is just US$24.95. This is much less than paying for an expensive course and the benefit is just as great, if not better, because many courses often lack the practical component.

How to Be a Leader comes with 100% money back guarantee. For a full month, if you decide that How to Be a Leader was not worth the investment, just let us know and we will return your money.

So, click on the button below that says "Click Here to Buy Now", complete the purchase form on the next page and you'll be learning how to be the leader you always wanted to be in just a few minutes.


The book comes in a PDF format and can be read on any digital device.

We are looking forward to your feedback once you read it and are excited to see you take charge of your leadership success in your personal and professional life.
