
How to Describe a Good Leader

One question that Greg and I often get asked is “How to Describe a Good Leader?” Well, we did write a book about that. So, in this article, I will highlight some of our...

Tips for Body Language for Leaders

In one of my recent articles I have talked about the importance of dress in leadership. Today, I will address body language for leaders. In the military, we have a phrase: "dress and deportment". By...

Why Develop Your Team Members

There are those leaders, both new and old, that wonder why they should develop their team members. First off, I am glad they are at least asking “why” they should do it, rather than...

How to Manage a Crisis as a Leader

There are many things you need to know when you are in charge of others - how to manage a crisis as a leader is one of them. A crisis is an event which can...

What is a Values-Based Leader?

When I was doing my Graduate Program, I did a Graduate Certificate on Values-Based Leadership. There were many ways to explain a values-based leader, some more complex than others. Both Greg and I strongly identify...

How to Develop My Team

Every time I sit down to think of new, creative ways of how to develop my team, I am always reminded of one technique that has proven very effective every time I used it....

Earn the Trust of the Team You Lead

When it comes to building the trust of the team you lead, there are certain behaviors that make a massive difference in your success. Today, I am going to show you a great technique...

Leadership in Today’s World

In deciding what I wanted to write about in this article, I have chosen to write about leadership in today's world. I am not talking specifically about 21st century leadership or even leadership over...

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