
How to Describe a Good Leader

One question that Greg and I often get asked is “How to Describe a Good Leader?” Well, we did write a book about that. So, in this article, I will highlight some of our...

The Competent Leader

When we examine whether or not we should take on a leadership role or position, it is important that we examine whether or not we will be a competent leader for that position. It...

How to Look Like a Leader

If you want others to follow and respect you as an authority figure, you have to learn how to look like a leader. Self-awareness is the first skill every new and aspiring leader should...

Female Leadership Traits in Transformational Leadership

Recently, I have heard a statement that more and more men in position of power are displaying female leadership traits. Interesting. But while I agree with the sentiment, I believe it is part of...

How to Practice Leadership by Volunteering

There have been many articles written for aspiring leaders on how to practice leadership. They are full of ideas like: inspire others, understand your strengths, model yourself after great leaders, or learn from success. ...

Can Leadership Be Learned?

Many people wonder: “Can leadership be learned?”. When leadership first became an area of study, people assumed that you were either born a leader or not. It was called “The Great Man Theory”. However,...

The Secret to Building the Trust of the Team

When it comes to building the trust of the team, you - the leader - have a number of tools at your disposal. Leading by example is one of them, as is being honest...

Do You See Yourself As a Future Leader?

Do you see yourself as a future leader? A simple question isn’t it? On the surface, the answer may be as easy as “yes” or “no”. However, this is not something to take lightly....

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