
Why Develop Your Team Members

There are those leaders, both new and old, that wonder why they should develop their team members. First off, I am glad they are at least asking “why” they should do it, rather than...

How to Manage a Crisis as a Leader

There are many things you need to know when you are in charge of others - how to manage a crisis as a leader is one of them. A crisis is an event which can...

What is a Values-Based Leader?

When I was doing my Graduate Program, I did a Graduate Certificate on Values-Based Leadership. There were many ways to explain a values-based leader, some more complex than others. Both Greg and I strongly identify...

Female Leadership Traits in Transformational Leadership

Recently, I have heard a statement that more and more men in position of power are displaying female leadership traits. Interesting. But while I agree with the sentiment, I believe it is part of...

Resilient Leader Guide

When I think of a resilient leader, I think of someone who is able to bounce back from stressful times. And when I examine the definition of resilience, I see that one aspect of...

What is Servant Leadership?

Servant leadership, founded about 40 years ago, can be defined as willingness to serve others and bringing together people who are in conflict, while helping them in leadership capacity. I would definitely say that...

How to Develop My Team

Every time I sit down to think of new, creative ways of how to develop my team, I am always reminded of one technique that has proven very effective every time I used it....

How to Practice Leadership by Volunteering

There have been many articles written for aspiring leaders on how to practice leadership. They are full of ideas like: inspire others, understand your strengths, model yourself after great leaders, or learn from success. ...

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