
How to Describe a Good Leader

One question that Greg and I often get asked is “How to Describe a Good Leader?” Well, we did write a book about that. So, in this article, I will highlight some of our...

How to Look Like a Leader

If you want others to follow and respect you as an authority figure, you have to learn how to look like a leader. Self-awareness is the first skill every new and aspiring leader should...

What is a Values-Based Leader?

When I was doing my Graduate Program, I did a Graduate Certificate on Values-Based Leadership. There were many ways to explain a values-based leader, some more complex than others. Both Greg and I strongly identify...

Female Leadership Traits in Transformational Leadership

Recently, I have heard a statement that more and more men in position of power are displaying female leadership traits. Interesting. But while I agree with the sentiment, I believe it is part of...

What is Servant Leadership?

Servant leadership, founded about 40 years ago, can be defined as willingness to serve others and bringing together people who are in conflict, while helping them in leadership capacity. I would definitely say that...

Ten Leadership Theories in Five Minutes

In Ten Leadership Theories in Five Minutes, Professor Michael Zigarelli does a fast and furious - but very effective - job of identifying the top styles of leadership and our understanding of them over...

4 Characteristics of Authentic Leadership

One way I put leadership theory in practice is by being an authentic leader; not only in words but also in action. While finishing one of my leadership courses within my Masters program, I...

Transformational Leadership Theory

Transformational Leadership Theory has been around for over forty years. The first recognized book written on transformational leadership was called “Leadership” by James MacGregor Burns and was published in 1978. Since then, there have...

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